Basic Conceptual Modeling

Epistimis makes Epistimis Modeling Tool (EMT), a tool for process design and evaluation. EMT does for (software) processes what Electronic Design Automation (EDA)  tooling does for chip design. It is a platform that allows process designers to specify the data and data flows planned for a process and then evaluates sets of rules against those designs.

Years Experience
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Keeping you safe, keeping your company secure.

Some overview of what we offer

Basic Conceptual Modeling

EMT starts with conceptual data modeling.

Conceptual + Components (includes Queries)

Defining data is only the first step. Once you define data, you need to use it.

Wiring Diagrams

Defining components, either Portable Components (PCs) or Platform Specific Components (PSCs)

Protecting your company, your identity, and everything in between.

    1. Do you see what you want? Contact us and try us out OR
    2. Don’t see what you want? Tell us – we can prioritize your needs.


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