What we Do

We make privacy assessments easy

Epistimis makes Epistimis Modeling Tool (EMT), a tool for process design and evaluation. EMT does for (software) processes what Electronic Design Automation (EDA)  tooling does for chip design. It is a platform that allows process designers to specify the data and data flows planned for a process and then evaluates sets of rules against those designs.

It can be used for any process design – no matter how that process will be implemented.  EMT can already generate source code in a variety of languages for process designs that will be implemented in software. If desired, that capability can be extended to generate process details as step-by-step instructions (from text to IKEA style instruction diagrams), workflow configuration, or other process specification formats.

The initial set of rules EMT will evaluate is data privacy rules, starting with GDPR. Epistimis will continue to add US state and federal laws as additional rulesets based on demand. These rulesets will be licensed to users, and maintained so that users can be assured they are always working with the relevant sets of rules. It will also provide a rule specification capability for custom rules such as corporate privacy policies.

We plan to add libraries of predefined functionality such as AWS offerings that can be dropped into process designs. Using these libraries will not only speed process design, they will also enable generation of configuration information from the design that matches how an offering is used in the design.

Outputs generated from the tool will consist of 1) Rule evaluation results; 2) Optional code/ configuration generation. Code/ configuration generation will only be done if all rule checks succeed – so users will always know the results are correct by construction. Rule evaluation results can be used for Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs), eliminating the need for manual input in the PIA process.

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